Thursday, August 01, 2013

How to Include Your Grandparents in Your Wedding Day

If you are lucky enough to have your grandparents be in attendance for your wedding, you certainly want to acknowledge them in on your day. 

Often, immediate family is heavily involved in the wedding, with parents in the processional and siblings as attendants. But how can you make sure grandparents know you appreciate them?

Here are 4 ways to include your grandparents in your wedding.

Display Photos - Collect photos from your grandparents’ wedding day to display. An entry table or guest book table is a terrific place to be sure everyone gets a glimpse. 

If some grandparents are in attendance, but others have passed away, adding a memorial candle to the photo setup is a nice touch.

Special Dance – After your first dance together, why not ask grandparents to come to the dance floor for a special dance. Your emcee/DJ can announce them and the length of their marriage as well. 

Consider dancing to their wedding song or a romantic song from their era.
Something Old/Something Borrowed –Grandparents are wonderful resources for your something old or something borrowed. A cherished piece of jewelry can be incorporated into your wedding day look. 

Or, if you have a small trinket or brooch, it can be pinned to ribbon around your bouquet

Carrying an old family Bible or handkerchief is another traditional idea.

Flower “girls” – For those who want the grandparents to feel like part of the wedding party, you could add them to the processional – looks like these grandmothers are having fun with it

Whether they are escorted in like parents or make a big entrance like these flower “girls,” your grandparents will feel special.

Including your grandparents in your wedding day is a meaningful way to let them know how special they are to you.


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