Monday, November 12, 2012

Fun Bridal Shower Ideas

Sometimes it seems like you’ve been to one bridal shower, you’ve been to them all. So why not make it memorable by adding a unique theme? 

Here are some suggestions for wedding shower themes.

Color Scheme – Pick out one or two colors and design the shower around it; if you know the color scheme of the wedding that would be a great color to pick. Otherwise, white, pink and turquoise are lovely options. 

Use the colors in your decorations, flowers, cake or sweets colors and more.

Love and Lavendar shows a beautiful gold, pink and mint green scheme.

Holiday – If a bride is already having a traditional shower, a holiday shower is a great option for a second shower. Assign each guest a specific holiday and ask them to bring home décor or cooking items related to the holiday. 

For example, someone assigned New Year’s Eve could bring champagne glasses. A person assigned Christmas could bring a box of ornaments or cookies sheets and cookie cutters.

Recipe for Success – For a Recipe for Success shower, ask guests to bring their favorite recipe and a kitchen item needed to create it. Then, assemble the recipes together for the bride. 

Another fun activity for a recipe shower is to have attendees write their advice for the couple on wooden spoons. But together in a canister, the spoons provide a marriage recipe for success.

Mad Hatter – For the whimsical bride, a Mad Hatter shower is a fun way to make a tea party less stuffy. What a great excuse to wear a funky hat! 

Green Wedding Shoes shows how to add elements of the Alicein Wonderland theme without looking like a young girl’s party.
Having a theme for a bridal shower can make it much easier to plan. Let the theme guide your way to organizing an unforgettable party for the bride.


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