Thursday, July 30, 2009

Wedding Rehearsal Tips

The wedding rehearsal is an important step in planning a beautiful wedding! The rehearsal typically takes place the night before the ceremony at the place where the ceremony is to be held. The bride, groom, officiate, attendants and musicians should also be at the rehearsal. It is good if other family members such as parents, grandparents and parents of children who are participating in the wedding also attend.

Since the rehearsal dinner is often held after the rehearsal itself, everyone will be anxious to practice their roles so they can relax and enjoy the dinner. Your wedding party works hard to make your wedding special so any appreciation you can show to them will be nice.

Because it is important to know exactly where everyone should stand during the ceremony, start by positioning them in the correct location. You may place small pieces of tape on the floor to mark the spots. Practice how the bride, groom and attendants will enter and exit the ceremony. When everyone is positioned to satisfaction, the officiate will go through the order of service, including readings and songs, and make clear what types of signals he will use to cue the next item of service. This is also a good time to advise the special guests who will be escorted into the ceremony (parents, grandparents, etc.) where they will be seated and who will be their escort. Practice the processional (entrance) and recessional (exit) with the music so the bride, groom and attendants will measure their pace with the timing of the music.

After rehearsing the ceremony a few times to make everyone involved feel comfortable with their assigned roles, you will feel confident that everyone will do their job, but do not expect perfection.. It’s a wedding ceremony, not a one act play! As always the most important thing is for the bride and groom to concentrate on the love and commitment they are giving to one another. That is what will make the day perfect, no matter what else happens.

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