Thursday, July 16, 2009

Outdoor Summer Wedding Safety Tips

If you are having an outdoor summer wedding then you want to make sure everything goes right. You make plans for various contingenies, like finding a backup site if it rains, number of chairs and electrical power needs. But you should also consider all the outdoors safety tips for any outdoor summer event. The federal government's U.S. Food and Drug Administration has a good article titled, "Primer on Summer Safety" that would be good reading before planning any outdoor summer occasion. To read the article Click Here. It contains tips on things like sunburn, insect bites, heat illnesses and preventing foodborne illnesses.

Remember if you are planning a beach wedding many of the same safety tips would also apply. At Weddings Are Fun we want you to have a fun and safe wedding. Please visit our site for great beach wedding accessories from favors to flip flops and sandals and even for a Just Married Bikini to make your wedding a memory of a lifetime.

Thank you,

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